Amid the escalating global COVID-19 crisis, SHYMAN has been actively participating
in campaigns to prevent the spread of the virus by providing 'Kind Masks' and
'Kind Hand Sanitizers' as part of their national protection strategy.
This initiative began as a way to give back to
the community after receiving the 'Number One in Customer Satisfaction' award.
Although SHYMAN started by selling masks and hand sanitizers at fair prices,
as the number of COVID-19 cases continued to rise, the company decided to
contribute more significantly to society by donating these crucial preventive supplies.
As part of this initiative, SHYMAN visited the Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation located
in North Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, to donate hand sanitizers. The goal was to distribute
the sanitizers through the Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation,
which is connected to many organizations, to help disadvantaged groups
and individuals who are struggling to obtain sanitizers.
The Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation graciously accepted the donation,
and SHYMAN was pleased to contribute our small part to the effort.
We hope that this small step can help more people maintain their health.
Inspired by your support, we will continue to strive to be a company
that grows together with the community.